Raising a shy child can be a real challenge for parents. Many shy children are very open and friendly with them and others but struggle in other environments. This problem may raise its head the most when you take your child to a hair salon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For whatever reason, they struggle to open up and feel comfortable when at the salon. Therefore, you need to take the time to fully understand why they are shy and how we at Salon Voche can help you out.
There are many possible reasons that a child is shy. Medical science has found that about 15 percent of all people have a genetic predisposition towards shyness. This fact means that they may have a harder time trusting people or opening up or find it hard to talk to people whom they don’t know. Though these shy children may be fun and engaging with their parents, they struggle to open up to others.
However, most believe that shyness is most heavily affected by social factors. For example, children with very strict or protective parents may end up being shy because they are afraid to interact with unknown elements. Struggles with their peers may also make children shy – for example, a child who is heavily teased by their classmates may struggle to open up and trust other people.
That said, many shy children aren’t just withdrawn when visiting a hair salon but afraid. Many parents find that their child will fight against visiting these beauty specialists and will fight to stay home or avoid them as much as possible. In this situation, a child may be more than shy and could possess a real phobia of hair cuts. The reasons for these fears can be hard to understand without asking the child.
As a parent, you have a unique insight into your child that you can use to assess their fear of the hair salon. Ask them what they find scary about their trips and why they fight so hard against getting their hair cut. Be open and friendly about it – don’t push them or nag them. Remember: shy children often need somebody who can support them openly to ensure that they can open up fully, even to their parents.
For example, you may find that your child doesn’t like the atmosphere in the salon and finds it oppressive or scary. Or you may discover that they don’t like the person who cuts their hair. Whatever the case, you should be able to figure out a solution if they are open and honest with you about it.
Even if you don’t get your child to open up about their fear, you can probably still figure out what bothers them. For example, many children don’t like people that they don’t know handling their hair. Others are afraid of a pair of scissors hovering near their head and their eyes and fear cuts and stabs. This fear is understandable, mainly if the child is mostly afraid of working with people whom they don’t know.
Once you have assessed the root of your child’s fear of the salon, you need to take them there to visit. Not to get a hair cut – that can wait until they are more comfortable with visiting a salon professional regularly. Start by introducing them to the people in the shop. If there is somebody there who is renowned for their skills with children, set them up with your child. Let them show the child around the area to get an idea of what it contains.
The hair salon expert may showcase the different tools that they use, show them how they work on a person’s hair, and try to make a secure connection with the child. Remember: shy children are often afraid because they struggle to trust others. And if they make a connection with at least one person in the salon, they are more likely to feel comfortable with them and will find it easier to handle their needs.
You may need to take multiple trips in this way to open up your child to get their hair cut. Make sure that you talk to the salon experts about this to ensure that they don’t mind you visiting in this way. Most should be pretty open to this step because they know that it could help them get a new customer. Others may be small or too busy to handle this situation.
Lastly, you may want to see if your child is more comfortable getting hair cuts at home. This step is one that requires you to cut their hair for them, taking your time to make sure that you don’t make any mistakes. It can be quite frustrating for you but might be more comfortable for the child to handle if they have a hard time visiting other places, like the salon, and need the time to learn to trust the haircutting process.
Then, you can start taking them to the hair salon with you and letting them see that they have nothing to fear. Let them bring along games or toys and encourage the salon professionals to talk to them in a friendly way. Shy children often open up to people who are kind to them because they feel like they can trust them. In this way, you can ensure that your child has a better chance of visiting a salon without issue.
If possible, you may want to talk to a salon expert to see if they can do a house call for you. Most of the time, they won’t be able to do this for you in their work time. However, if you pay them a little extra on their day off, they may be able to come and visit your child at home and do a hair cut in a comfortable environment. Make sure that they get the okay from their boss about this step to ensure that they don’t get in trouble.
As you can see, a child’s fear of getting a haircut can be a fairly extensive one that requires a little work to manage. However, when you work with the best hair salon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, you’re going to get the kind of help that you need to give your child support. So please don’t hesitate to contact us at Salon Voche right away to learn more about this process. We fully understand why children are afraid of getting their hair cut and will help parents like you manage this difficult situation.